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The single best way you can support our work is by subscribing to our podcast and telling a friend to do the same! Every little bit helps!ĭiscussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast Contact us on any of the social media outlets above, or send feedback to We want to hear from you! Be sure to follow us on Twitter, find us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and visit our website.ĭon’t agree with us? Tell us how we’re wrong. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS © 2018 CBS Interactive. “Point of Light” - Ep #203 – Pictured: Shazad Latif as Ash Tyler of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. L’Rell’s authority on Qo’noS is threatened.

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Following the asteroid incident, Tilly struggles to keep a grip on her reality. Discovery brings shocking news about Spock and dredges up past regrets for Burnham. Join in as we talk about the third episode of Star Trek Discovery season two, titled “Point of Light”.Ī surprise visitor to the U.S.S. The Klingons take center stage as L’Rell struggles to maintain power over the Klingon empire, while Burnham gets a visit from Amanda Grayson as Tilly tries prevent from going insane.

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